swchrm logs


デジかわ とそこから適当に飛んだまとまりのない文章

デジかわ is 何

デジかわってなにかというとデジタルでかわいいことを指しています。ここでいうデジタルは厳密に離散的であるとかそういったことは抜きにしてます。だったらエレかわ?なんでもいいや。 どんなものを指しているかでいえば、例えばニアちゃんとかがそうですね。


これはおそらくぽよしさんがみせてくれているワクワク感も評価に含まれてしまっているとは思うんですが、正直自分ではわからない。あとはDJ RIOちゃんとか。




「かわいい」がかなり主観的なように当たり前ですがデジかわも主観的です。 基本的にデジカワなものは好きですが、デジかわをアンテナのキーワードに添えるとデジかわ判定機が必要になってきてその定義に悩むと思うので、それはやめたい。だから聞かれたときに説明する程度に留めておきたい。宇多田ヒカルさんの(特に休養前の)曲をよく聴いていた時期があり、そのときに宇多田さんの書籍を買いました。『点』と『線』の二部構成になっているのですが、その中に「ジャンルを分けることは音楽に対する圧力だと思う」みたいなコメントがあるんですね。これは本当に同感で、曖昧なところを言語化するために無理やりぶった切る必要はないとおもっていて、それはそれ、というものを大事できるといいなとおもう。説明のために作品があるわけではないので。いや説明しなければいけないものもあるけど。これは宇多田ヒカルさんの受け売りというわけではなくて、やりたいことを一言では言語化できなくてもやもやしておりました。

そういえばこれ、無理に言語化しなくてもいいと思ったことがあって、名古屋の路上で日本一周?してきた人の写真を買ったことがあったんですよ。いまなら多分買わないけど。なんかそのときは買ったんですね。で、質問も質問で雑だったとは思うんですけど、日本一周してきたことやその時撮ってた写真の感想を聞きたくて「どうだったんですか」みたいな質問をして返ってきたのが「そんな一言では洗わせるわけ無いですよ〜」でした。いやこれ当たり前だと思うんですけど、当時就活やらなんやらで疲弊してた僕には完全にアウトオブ眼中でしたね。 自分の中にもやもやしているものをいちいち数分の間にエッセンスだけコンパクトにまとめられず、死んだ顔をしたので。いやこれは自分の言語化スキルの問題も少なくない割合であるとは思うんですけど。 言語化からの逃げなのではということに関しては、それはそうという側面と、だからといって一言にまとめる必要がないものはやはりないと思う側面があることを付け足しておく。


閑話休題。っていうかこれ自身が閑話なんですが。 それはさておき、名前をつけるとその概念をせるということを以前からもやもやと考えていたら、これもどこかで同じことを考えている人がいたようでTwitterに流れてきました。だから逆に言えばしたかったら名前をつけることでそれが可能になる。あとはその対象の概念からその名前が外れないようにしてしまい、浸透させれば操作可能な存在としてなんとでも(誇張)できるような印象。印象!!


なんか色々書いたけど今回もデジかわを皮切りにあちこちに話がとんでしまったがまぁよしとする。脳トレとして久々にダラダラと書いたら頭少し整理された。よかった(こなみ)。 さて2018年の振り返りに戻ろう。はぁ。

追記:『点』『線』の正確にはどこに書いてあったっけと思って開いたところ、ちょうど目に飛び込んできたのが田村隆一氏が書いた「帰途」という詩の話で、言葉にならないことを言葉にする葛藤の話だと述べられていた。すごいタイミングで目に飛び込んできた。読もう。 肝心の記載の場所は258ページでした。もしくはFACT「MUSICA」の2007年3月号の引用っぽいです。







MyMacBookAir:VNavi swchrm$ npm install --save @types/three
npm WARN @ionic/pro@2.0.4 requires a peer of cordova-plugin-ionic@^5.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

+ @types/three@0.93.14
added 1 package from 24 contributors and audited 50839 packages in 13.25s
found 0 vulnerabilities












MyMacBookAir:VNavi swchrm$ npm install -g npm-check
npm WARN deprecated cross-spawn-async@2.2.5: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead
/Users/swchrm/.nodebrew/node/v10.15.0/bin/npm-check -> /Users/swchrm/.nodebrew/node/v10.15.0/lib/node_modules/npm-check/bin/cli.js
+ npm-check@5.9.0
added 247 packages from 94 contributors in 12.794s


MyMacBookAir:VNavi swchrm$ npm-check

@angular/animations                 😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/animations@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/animations?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/animations') or import from '@angular/animations'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/animations

@angular/common                     😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/common@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/common?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/common') or import from '@angular/common'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/common

@angular/compiler                   😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/compiler@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/compiler?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/compiler') or import from '@angular/compiler'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/compiler

@angular/compiler-cli               😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular/tree/master/packages/compiler-cli
                                                 npm install --save @angular/compiler-cli@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/compiler-cli?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/compiler-cli') or import from '@angular/compiler-cli'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/compiler-cli

@angular/core                       😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/core@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/core?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/core') or import from '@angular/core'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/core

@angular/forms                      😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/forms@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/forms?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/forms') or import from '@angular/forms'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/forms

@angular/http                       😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/http@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/http?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/http') or import from '@angular/http'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/http

@angular/platform-browser           😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/platform-browser@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/platform-browser?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/platform-browser') or import from '@angular/platform-browser'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/platform-browser

@angular/platform-browser-dynamic   😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/angular/angular#readme
                                                 npm install --save @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@7.1.4 to go from 5.2.11 to 7.1.4
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @angular/platform-browser-dynamic?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@angular/platform-browser-dynamic') or import from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @angular/platform-browser-dynamic

@ionic-native/core                  😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @ionic-native/core?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@ionic-native/core') or import from '@ionic-native/core'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @ionic-native/core

@ionic-native/splash-screen         😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @ionic-native/splash-screen?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@ionic-native/splash-screen') or import from '@ionic-native/splash-screen'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @ionic-native/splash-screen

@ionic-native/status-bar            😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @ionic-native/status-bar?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@ionic-native/status-bar') or import from '@ionic-native/status-bar'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @ionic-native/status-bar

@ionic/pro                          😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @ionic/pro?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@ionic/pro') or import from '@ionic/pro'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @ionic/pro

@ionic/storage                      😕  NOTUSED?  Still using @ionic/storage?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('@ionic/storage') or import from '@ionic/storage'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save @ionic/storage

ionic-angular                       😕  NOTUSED?  Still using ionic-angular?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('ionic-angular') or import from 'ionic-angular'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save ionic-angular

ionicons                            😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. http://ionicons.com/
                                                 npm install --save ionicons@4.5.1 to go from 3.0.0 to 4.5.1
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using ionicons?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('ionicons') or import from 'ionicons'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save ionicons

rxjs                                😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJS
                                                 npm install --save rxjs@6.3.3 to go from 5.5.11 to 6.3.3
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using rxjs?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('rxjs') or import from 'rxjs'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save rxjs

sw-toolbox                          😕  NOTUSED?  Still using sw-toolbox?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('sw-toolbox') or import from 'sw-toolbox'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save sw-toolbox

three                               😕  NOTUSED?  Still using three?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('three') or import from 'three'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save three

zone.js                             😕  NOTUSED?  Still using zone.js?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('zone.js') or import from 'zone.js'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save zone.js

typescript                          😎  MAJOR UP  Major update available. https://www.typescriptlang.org/
                                                 npm install --save-dev typescript@3.2.2 to go from 2.6.2 to 3.2.2
                                    😕  NOTUSED?  Still using typescript?
                                                 Depcheck did not find code similar to require('typescript') or import from 'typescript'.
                                                 Check your code before removing as depcheck isn't able to foresee all ways dependencies can be used.
                                                 Use --skip-unused to skip this check.
                                                 To remove this package: npm uninstall --save-dev typescript



MyMacBookAir:VNavi swchrm$ npm install -g version-check
/Users/swchrm/.nodebrew/node/v10.15.0/bin/version-check -> /Users/swchrm/.nodebrew/node/v10.15.0/lib/node_modules/version-check/bin/version-check
+ version-check@1.2.0
added 45 packages from 18 contributors in 7.303s


MyMacBookAir:VNavi swchrm$ version-check rxjs
rxjs 6.3.3
